
Defecography is one of two basic function tests (along with anorectal manometry), which enable better diagnosis of the problems regarding evacuation disorders and appropriate qualification of the patient for surgical or interdisciplinary treatment.
What is defecography?

What is defecography?

Defecography consists in making a series of X-ray images during the defecation process (in 4 phases of the process – rest, squeeze, strain, and defecation) in the physiological position and a later assessment of the appearance and anatomy of all pelvis floor structures.

This defecography method allows capturing changes in the arrangement of muscles and organs located around the anus during the defecation process in the usual body position, which gives a chance to capture deviations from the norm invisible in other imaging tests (MRI, computed tomography, transrectal ultrasound) and standard physical examination proctological examination.

The test is used in the diagnosis of constipation, fecal incontinence, syndrome of paradoxical puborectalis contraction, rectal prolapse, and rectocele - i.e., posterior vaginal prolapse.

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Defecography test procedure

Before the examination, the patient should prepare using a retention rectal enema or a bowel cleanser (the choice of preparation is agreed upon with the doctor conducting the examination).

Within the examination, the patient is administered with approx. 300 ml of thick retention enema. Defecography is conducted in a diaper, in a sitting position, and under the control of an X-ray machine.

During the examination, the patient must work closely with the doctor who performs the examination to obtain the most detailed images of each of the phases of bowel movement - resting, squeezing, straining and defecation.

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Defecography test procedure
Defecography Wrocław

Defecography Wrocław

Patients who come to our Medical Center for an appointment with a proctologist and struggle with defecation disorders may be referred by our specialist for further diagnostics, including defecography.

Defecography is conducted at the EMC hospital, at 144 Pilczycka Street under the care of prof. Jarosław Leszczyszyn.

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PLN 460
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