Ultrasound Wrocław

Ultrasound is one of the basic non-invasive imaging tests that enable assessing the appearance of both entire organs and their individual components and making decisions regarding further treatment and possible in-depth diagnostics (computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or PET).

Ultrasound examinations are also performed preventively in order to early detect changes in the abdominal cavity or breasts, which may not cause any symptoms.

Our facility offers all types of ultrasound examinations described below.
Types of ultrasound available at the Melita Medical Center

Types of ultrasound available at the Melita Medical Center

At the Melita Medical Center, we carry out all the following types of ultrasound examinations:

  • Abdominal cavity ultrasound
  • Small pelvis ultrasound
  • Intestinal ultrasound in Crohn’s disease (two-phase ultrasound)
  • Neck ultrasound (lymph nodes, salivary glands, thyroid)
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Scrotum (testicles) ultrasound
  • Vessel ultrasound - Doppler
  • Transrectal ultrasound with 3D image
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Doppler Ultrasound Wrocław

Doppler ultrasound allows the assessment of venous flows both within the limbs and inside the abdomen or neck. Using the Doppler effect, i.e. a specific way in which ultrasound waves are reflected by the blood moving in the veins, the physician can assess where the blood flows faster or slower, where it stops, and where it reverses due to venous valve failure.

This test is particularly useful in assessing the severity of atherosclerosis and venous insufficiency (varicose veins) and in locating aneurysms and blood clots.

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Doppler Ultrasound Wrocław
Abdominal cavity ultrasound

Abdominal cavity ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound is a type of examination that allows the assessment of all organs located within the abdomen and small pelvis. This means that it can be used to assess the structure of the liver and gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, intestines, kidneys, and large blood vessels of the abdominal cavity.

The organs that are difficult to assess thoroughly during an abdominal ultrasound are the stomach, the uterus with appendages, and the final section of the large intestine. The optimal examination for the assessment of the female reproductive organs is transvaginal ultrasound, and transrectal ultrasound of the perianal region. A thorough diagnosis of the stomach can be carried out in computed tomography or "from the inside" during gastroscopy.

Careful preparation should be made for an abdominal ultrasound so that the examination is fully reliable and the intestinal gases do not obscure the organs. More on this is in the section below.

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How to get prepared for an ultrasound examination?

Ultrasound of limbs (including Doppler), lymph nodes, thyroid, breast, scrotum, and transrectal ultrasound do not require any special preparation.

However, if an ultrasound examination of abdominal organs is necessary (liver, bile ducts, pancreas, intestines, urinary system - including kidneys, retroperitoneal space), the following guidelines should be strictly followed:

  • On the day preceding the date of the examination, please stay on a light, cooked diet, avoiding gas-inducing foods (fried foods, brassica and onion vegetables, legumes, sweets, apples, pears, plums, and fruit juices).
  • For 3 days before the examination, you should take two ESPUMISAN tablets 3 times a day (swallowing the capsules whole). Patients with a tendency to flatulence and any patient for Doppler examination of the abdominal cavity should remain on a diet and take ESPUMISAN for two additional days preceding the examination.
  • On the day of the examination, please stay on an empty stomach for at least 8 hours, for the Doppler examination observe complete fasting from the morning.
  • Patients with a tendency to constipation should use any laxative 2 days before the examination (laxatives and enemas should not be administered on the day before the examination).

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, i.e. the assessment of the bladder, reproductive organs, uterus, adnexa, prostate gland

  • If the doctor referring for the ultrasound examination marked "examination with a full bladder" on the referral, then in order to quickly fill the bladder, drink three glasses of non-carbonated mineral water or tea (not milk, juice, or other drinks) 1.5 hours before the examination and do not urinate.
  • If your bladder is full, you may urinate a little while waiting for the examination but do not drink any further liquids in the meantime.

For the examination, please bring the patient's full medical record (hospital discharges, results of ultrasound examinations, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, urography with photos, and results of laboratory tests).

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How to get prepared for an ultrasound examination?
How long does an ultrasound take?

How long does an ultrasound take?

Depending on the area covered by the examination (e.g. only the thyroid gland or the entire abdominal cavity) and the severity of the changes observed during the examination, it may take from 10 to 30 minutes.

In the case of ultrasound in Crohn's disease, it may be necessary to stay in the facility a little longer to assess intestinal peristalsis after taking a sachet of Fortrans.

At the Melita Medical Center, Dr. Magdalena Bujak issues an ultrasound report right after it has been performed, so 10-15 minutes of waiting time after the end of the examination should also be taken into account.

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Should you drink water prior to an abdominal cavity ultrasound?

You should stop eating 8 hours before the abdominal ultrasound examination, and stop drinking any liquids 4 hours before the examination.

In the case of abdominal ultrasound with bladder assessment, in order to quickly fill the bladder, drink 3 glasses of non-carbonated mineral water or tea (not milk, juice, or other beverages) 1.5 hours before the examination, and do not urinate.

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Should you drink water prior to an abdominal cavity ultrasound?

Price list

Abdominal cavity ultrasound
PLN 260
Intestinal ultrasound in Crohn’s disease
PLN 260
Neck ultrasound (lymph nodes, salivary glands, thyroid)
PLN 200
Breast ultrasound
PLN 200
Scrotum (testicles) ultrasound
PLN 200
Vessel ultrasound - Doppler
PLN 200-250
Transrectal ultrasound with the 3D image with proctological consultation
PLN 750
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