Transrectal ultrasound is the basic proctological examination performed when the doctor suspects changes in the anus and its surroundings, the full picture of which is impossible to assess using anoscopy.
One of the basic applications of endoanal ultrasound is to determine the course of perianal fistulas or the location of perianal abscesses, which may occur, among others, in patients with Crohn's disease.
It further enables the determination of damage to the anal sphincter muscles in cases of fecal incontinence in women after natural labor, the elderly, and after surgery around the anus.
Based on the transrectal ultrasound image, the stage of anal cancer is determined for the purpose of planning surgical treatment. Knowledge of the degree of tissue involvement by the tumor and selecting an appropriately conservative surgical method saves many patients the discomfort associated with the need to create an intestinal fistula (the so-called stoma).